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Karina wasn’t angry because Jordan kidnapped and baited humans. She wasn’t even angry at the hyper-radicalism of his decision. She was pissed he did it in a way that endangered the clan, and she wasn’t wrong. Jackson had forced them to give up businesses and just under half of their side of the city because he’d come out the victor of the battle.
“What are you gunna do about it, punk?” Grabbing Jordan’s attention, Jackson took a threatening step forward, and my knee bounced at the sudden spike of tension in the atmosphere. “You disrespected the wrong fucking person here.”
“Fight me, you weak, parading piece of shit – when I win, they’ll know I’m telling the truth. That’ll be proof enough.” Stunned silence met Jordan’s declaration, and a harsh bark of laughter burst from my throat. He growled at me, the deep, carnal noise causing reverberations to rattle the table as I slammed my palm down on it. The threat washed off him in waves, and sent me flying from my seat.
“What the fuck are you laughing at, you retarded invalid?” Jordan stuck out his chest.
The baffled amusement building inside my rib cage turned into white-hot rage faster than the time it took me to blink, and I lunged for Jordan without thinking. Chairs rattled as they hit the wall, but Jackson stuck out his arm to stop me.
Glaring at Jordan with venom dribbling from my sharpened teeth, the long white points enveloped in thick ropes of saliva, I watched as his expression turned into wide-eyed surprise. Inside, I felt a sick kind of satisfaction burn through my veins.
Clearly, he didn’t think that I could partially shift – because lion shifters were inferior to wolves, after all.
“He’s not worth it, Derek. He’s not worth anything, now.” Jackson’s strong, unwavering announcement did nothing to ease the lightning tension thrumming through me.
Jordan snarled openly, and my lips peeled back as my Alpha’s grip on my left arm seared my already discolored flesh. “Let’s go. We have no more business here.”
“How’d your coworkers take the fact that you’re Unseelie, babe?” Lounging on the sofa, I could tell just from the silence that met my question that Linne’s day had gone much better than mine. It took her no more than two or three seconds for her to drop down next to me, and I tore my eyes off the weather channel to take in her smile. She positively preened, beaming with happiness, and her miniature wings ruffled in satisfaction.
“It went very well. I did not expect it to go so well…”
Wrapping my arm around her, I flashed her what I knew would be a grim smile as she stared at me expectantly. My mind churned as I debated ruining her good mood, and I reached to swipe my free hand down my jaw and chin before opening my mouth.
“The meeting went as expected…” The words rolled slowly off my tongue, leaving a slightly sour taste in their wake. “I’m just glad it’s over and things can get back to normal.”
“Things were not normal before?” If Linne guessed that I was lying, her voice didn’t betray her, and I gave a noncommittal grunt. Gazing at the TV absently, I rolled and clenched my jaw as I thought back to this morning with disdain. Jordan’s appearance in itself wasn’t a problem, but the fact that he knew Jackson had literally nothing to do with the pack’s annihilation could come back to bite us in the ass. Everything we’d taken from Karina’s clan would be nulled, and that wasn’t even the worst that could happen.
“Yeah, they were, but at least these meetings are over. I don’t have to worry about mediating, and Jackson’s workload will lessen.”
Linne hummed softly, snuggling into my side, and I tore my eyes off the television to settle on her. Thick tumbles of brown hair were damp and shiny with the sweat from the day, and she smelled strongly – not that I was complaining. Her scent was pleasant no matter how vigorously she worked out or did anything physical.
“We are having the party tomorrow. Will you still join me?”
Nodding despite the almost overwhelming urge to say ‘no’, I had to forcibly stop myself from rolling my eyes. My chest tightened even as Linne made a pleased sound, and she craned her neck to kiss my shoulder heavily. “I need to shower. I will be right back.”
“They’ll be serving dinner at the pack house soon, so don’t take long.” Her jerky nod came as she stood up, and I narrowed my gaze on my mate while she rounded the couch. Truth be told, I didn’t want to go to the pack house, either, but one, glaring, problem made it a necessity.
Linne didn’t know how to cook, and I was limited to mac’n’cheese and hot dogs. On the best days, that combination was hard to stomach after having spent my entire teenage years living off it.
“I will not,” she said. With that promise, she was off and walking through the house, and I leaned back against the sofa to stare at the ceiling. The weather channel droned on in the background, but it did nothing to distract me from my whirling thoughts. A grimace painted my face, and I closed my eyes tightly with a heavy sigh.
I’d just lied to my mate to spare her feelings on an important issue that involved her. There’s at least three things wrong with that entire notion.
‘You did the right thing, Derek the Lion. Linne has never been so happy, you know.’ Muss’ all too familiar baritone rang against my skull, and I flopped my head up to watch him hop across the width of the coffee table in front of me. ‘She deserves a rest. Sometimes, it is hard for her to not take every horrible thing around her onto her shoulders. What happened at the meeting was not her fault, but I know she will see it that way.’
“I hope I did, bird. What did you find out following that piece of shit around?” The raven’s four smaller eyes locked on me as the biggest one rolled in its socket; I still couldn’t pinpoint how I knew it rolled since it was just a black ball. Leaning over to prop my elbows on my knees, I ignored the fucked-up biology involved, to open my mouth.
“Did you find out how he knew about the meeting?”
‘Yes. One from the meetings that…Lukas, I believe his name was. The other lion shifter.’ Stiffening at the reminder of countless disgusted looks and glares, I sneered darkly even though Muss only continued, unaffected. ‘I believe he did it out of spite for you than any loyalty he had to that wolf, though.’
“I wouldn’t put it past him.” Grumbling lowly, I raked my hand through my hair roughly, and Muss ducked his head sharply in a nod. “We can’t do anything about it now, though. And I’ve got no problem taking care of Jordan.”
‘I cannot continue to follow him, Derek the Lion. I must monitor the situation across the Veil.’ The bird’s apologetic tone spread across my brain like butter, and I cupped my chin as irritation flooded my chest. ‘I am sorry I cannot help you more. As much as I would like, I am not firmly tethered to this realm. Staying for too long would have…undesirable consequences.’
“No, it’s fine. That’s a bigger problem. The sooner we don’t have this shit looming over our heads, the better.” Hopping towards me, Muss trained his biggest eye on me as two others rolled, and he cocked his head as I licked my teeth heavily. “Just tell me what happens with Bareiijnr and Kaslni.”
‘I will. I have already heard rumors within her staff that she is going to be liquidating her assets. If this is true, she will take action. I’m not sure what’s going to happen once she clashes with Bareiijnr. His support for war is growing, and he has switched sides about Linne. He has begun to agree to bring her back for further interrogation.’
“You mean he wants to bring her back to torture and kill her for trying to out him under Kaslni’s command…” Grumbling quietly, I sucked in a sharp breath as my mind whirred to beat against the backs of my eyes. My brain just wasn’t equipped to deal with all of this inter-realm intrigue, and I didn’t envy Muss at all as he nodded curtly. “What kind of liquidating have you heard of?”
‘It would not be a stretch for her to kill her staff and slaves and take their wings so Bareiijnr cannot use them. Kaslni has many high-profile slaves in her Pens. She
also has many Reliquaries and other very powerful scrolls and objects. Bareiijnr’s threat on Kaslni is unprecedented, and she will take every precaution to avoid anything of hers falling into his hands.’ A light went off in my mind, and I cocked my head as Muss continued to seamlessly follow my train of thought. ‘Reliquaries are powerful and with a variety of uses. They perform many tasks, and there are even rumors that one was created to strengthen or dissolve the Veil. Kaslni has the largest, most extensive collection of Reliquaries. She has been around since knowledge of how to make them was first found. She is as old as your entire realm itself.’
“If she’s so powerful, why doesn’t she just take Bareiijnr out herself?”
‘That would go against the Council’s orders, and she would be sent into exile – or most likely killed.’
The Seelie realm must’ve been a democracy, and I only nodded as Muss rustled on his perch to stare at me with all five of his eyes. ‘I must go now. Do not dwell on things, Derek the Lion. Enjoy Linne’s happiness.’
Leaning back against the couch, I grunted as Muss disappeared in a plume of sparkles. The impact of water on tile filled my ears, and I closed my eyes to savor the droning sound. Slowly, the furious tempest in my mind began to dumb down, and tension seeped from my muscles as I rationalized the conversation I’d just had.
Even if the Seelie realm imploded tomorrow, the human realm would translate it into at least a week. Which meant I had a week to enjoy Linne’s brightening mood.
Maybe I’ll take her on a run tonight. My cock twitched at that thought, and a smirk picked up at the corners of my mouth.
Excitement thrummed through my veins as I spread my wings wide, holding my arms out in front of me, a smile splashed across my face. The awed ‘ooh’s and ‘ahh’s of little children filled my ears, and goosebumps rose all over my body as big hands held my waist. Leaning back into Derek’s chest, I slowly lowered my hands while magic buzzed just underneath my skin.
“What did you show them?” Kristy’s curious elation filled the air as my gaze came to rest on the circle of a dozen or so miniature humans. They all laid on their backs under a cabana, and if I didn’t know better, I would’ve thought them to be sleeping.
But no – the little humans were in their own minds, playing on a giant ‘bouncing house’.
“A ‘bouncing house’.” My simple answer earned me a huge smile, and Kristy clapped her hands together loudly. Glancing around at the adults that milled around the yard, I sighed in happiness at the pleased atmosphere that rested against my shoulders. Being able to use my magic uninhibited sent a thrill through my veins, and Derek squeezed my hips encouragingly before I opened my mouth again. “They will be busy for a while.”
“Alrighty – let’s break out the beers!” The human Chad’s declaration earned him cheers, and my smile widened at the unbridled enjoyment of the humans around me. Without having to worry about their offspring, the adults could take a real break and have some time to themselves. With their spawn still within their sights but completely occupied, they could relax with no worry for their safety.
“I believe Muss would enjoy this party. He likes to drink.” My musing earned me a low grunt, and Derek ducked his face into my neck to breathe deeply. “Do you like to drink, Derek?”
“Not particularly.” Smiling absently, I tilted my head and closed my eyes to savor his attentions, and Derek wrapped his arms around my waist with a kiss to my skin.
“What do you do at these parties? Just hang around?” Derek’s low tone vibrated down my shoulder and arm, and I nodded as pleasant heat spread through my chest.
“It is fun…to hang around.” There were no words in English to describe the pureness of this day, and I stepped away from Derek to carefully tuck my wings as they shrunk. Cracking open my eyes, I lifted my hands out in front of me once again to darken and elongate the shadows created by leaves on the oak tree. Several pairs of eyes landed on me, and I pursed my lips together as I drew on a skill I hadn’t managed to master before being exiled.
My muscles stiffened, and I took a deep, stabilizing breath before a sparkling mist spread across the ground from the shadows. All chattering stopped, and my miniature wings ruffled as the sinew wrapping around my spine and ribs tightened and strained.
The mist swirled, creating shapes that somewhat resembled animals, and I furrowed my brows in concentration. Slowly, with arduous, burning desire, I clenched my jaw while I forced the forms to take definite shapes.
“That’s so…awesome!”
Smiling broadly, I glanced around at the dogs that shimmered in the bright sunlight, as they moved listlessly, searching, and I released my breath in a gust of satisfaction.
“I didn’t know you could do that – everyone can see them, too…?” Coming up to me, the human Chad’s questioning tone pulled a slight shrug from me. “Why didn’t you tell me you can create stuff that you can touch? That would be super convenient at work you know, Linne.”
“I have not mastered this skill. It is dangerous to use if I make a mistake.” My confession dulled the human Chad’s smile, and my own dropped as well even as I opened my mouth. “It will not be dangerous to you. The apparitions can only interact with natural obstacles.”
“So, that’s how Muss manages to sit on the wooden coffee table but not your shoulder… The things from the Seelie realm can’t touch us because we’re not a thing in their realm.” Nodding furiously, I twisted as Derek furrowed his brows, and sidled up to my side while the human Chad grunted lowly. “There’s not much of a difference between our realms, then – organically, I mean.”
“No… The Seelie and Unseelie just have access to more wild magic than you do. We have trees and grass and stones used for building. My people are not as tech-know as you humans, though, because we have magic.” Turning back to the human Chad, I pointed just beyond him as one of my creations stuck its nose into one of many cooler boxes. The ice rustled loudly, and its body shimmered brilliantly as it jerked back from the cold.
“They are not harmful to you, but the things around you. I have not mastered this skill yet. That is why I have not used it since being banished here.”
“So…how long do those things last? Can we keep them as pets or anything?” Gnawing diligently on my bottom lip, I rolled the human Chad’s question around in my head before nodding tentatively. My insecurity about my answer must’ve been clear on my face, and I did nothing to try to hide it before he continued. “That’s cool. Do you need to feed them magic constantly?”
“No, I must only mantle and dismantle them. They are self-sustaining and do not require much maintenance.”
“That’s really cool. I thought humans weren’t able to see things like this without the parasite in their eye.” As if hearing what he was saying, the human Chad narrowed his gaze on me as a slick smirk spread across his face. “You can decide if they’re visible to normal humans just like you do with your wings. That’s really nifty.”
“Nifty?” Confusion laced my tone, and Derek wrapped his arm around my waist to draw my attention. Pride shimmered in his eyes, and I blushed fiercely at his heavy gaze and slight squeeze.
“It’s a good thing, babe. Can you make a lioness?” My pupils widened, and I nodded even as the pride in Derek’s eyes distorted into something darker. Pulling my lips between my teeth, I ducked my head to stare intently at my shoes, and he chuckled in my ear before whispering hoarsely. “It’s a very good thing I – ”
Stiffening against me, Derek cut off his husky words laced with promise, and my head whipped up to find him staring through narrowed eyes at his opposite side. One of my creatures sniffed around his hand, but that wasn’t so curious. My jaw dropped, and the tension in the air hiked up to near intolerable levels when I realized what he was so transfixed on.
Derek’s fingertips didn’t pass through the apparition as they were supposed to, and I sucked in a sharp breath of shock. He slowly stroked the dog
’s head, sweeping back its ears, and it grumbled in pleasure at the contact.
“…How’s he doing that?” The human Chad’s dumbstruck question rang in my ears, and I shook my head silently as surprise rendered my voice useless. “That’s freaky – he’s not supposed to be doing that…”
“Only Seelie or Unseelie are able to touch it in this realm…” Forcing out the statement through a tight throat, I tightened my arms around myself as uncertainty flooded my chest. “This should not be. This cannot happen – I do not understand why this is happening.”
“But Derek saw Muss, too. And he’s your mate in the first place – he’s not affected by your magic…what if he’s Unseelie?” My heart nearly stopped at the human Chad’s surmise, and my gaze whipped to Derek’s face. His expression tightened, arm crossing his chest to hold his discolored flesh tightly, and I sucked in a sharp breath through tingling teeth.
“What if you are Unseelie? Your arm – it is a sign of great power…and your lion form is black – black like my wings…” Frantic rationalization heightened my voice, and I gasped loudly when Derek’s hand flew to cover my mouth. Stiffening, my muscles fraught with tension, and he downright glared at me as his lips twitched in the makings of a vicious snarl.
“We’re not talking about this right now, Linne. Just…stop… Besides, even if I was part Unseelie, I would be a witch, not a shifter. I don’t have magic shooting from my fingertips.” Derek squeezed my face in warning, and I nodded dumbly as his harsh denial dampened the panic in my veins. Holding my breath in quivering lungs, I clenched my hands by my sides as he slowly released me. “Don’t get ahead of yourself.”